strategy development.
Business & market development.
Develop a sustainable approach to new markets, new segments and / or specific large scale infrastructure projects

What we do​
"Bridging the gap between market and contractors"
​Entering new markets (particularly in project business) is not easy.
Even with the right solutions & competencies, it will also need an excellent business development capability.
To be successful it is necessary to enter the market fast, at low cost. Achieve high hit ratio on tenders. Reduce risk through valuable partnerships and develop the right strategic market position for long term growth and profit.
Since 2009, BIRK consulting resolves this important piece of the puzzle called "business Development"
We make it possible for international contractors to participate in large-scale infrastructure projects (rail, power, Infrastructure) and further, to establish in Scandinavia for a long term market commitment
Regional Focus:
Scandinavia and the Baltic region.
Logic response to the market size and growth as well as the regional lack of contractors who can execute large scale projects.
Industrial Focus:
Transportation Infrastructure and Power projects.
Business Focus:
Large scale projects (+ € 30 mill.)
Projects that supports a shift toward a green economy.
Project Examples:
* Rail electrification projects for CO2 emission reductions.
* LRT & Metro projects to promote public (and car-free) transportation
* Wind farms for renewable energy
*Power sub stations for rail electrification
*Rail maintenance frame contracts to maintain high service level and acceptance of public transportation

"This is where we add value"
From project identification, procurement, sales and teaming activities to strategic market development.

BIRK Consulting work with a broad range of companies from industrial technology companies to international project contractors

European leading supplier of rail machines
International infrastructure group
- developing and implementing strategy for entering
rail projects & maintenance
frame contracts throughout Scandinavia

International technology group
Technology and megatrend strategy development
International EPC contractor
Strategy for approaching LRT and metro projects in Scandinavia

Megatrends & technolgy
Mega trend analysis
How does technology development influence our business?
Technology development is exploding in our hands. We are all witnessing the extraordinary development of AI at the moment. Moore's Law explains it pretty well; "Exponential Growth". Technology plays an increasingly important role and "change" takes place faster and faster. But in details; how does this influence our business? what should we look out for? How can we develop a tool, a concept that captures the opportunities and threats. A concept which we can integrate in our strategy process and technology/innovation roadmap? The answer could be a "megatrend Framework"

Megatrend framework
Future trends are (among others) defined and driven by exponential growing technologies.
Growth and productivity will, to a large extend, be a function of exponential growing technologies.
The "Megatrend Framework" by BIRK Consulting is a response to this ever faster change.
It provides an orientation, a concept and a tool box which helps develop future insights and promote associational thinking and ideation.

Time To Change Faster
Back in 2012 - 2014 BIRK Consulting was involved in a large client project concerning megatrends and how technology shapes future industries and markets. After delivering the project, Â Bo Birk wrote a booklet called "Time To Change Faster"Â which deals with the increasing speed of change and accordingly the need for a "radar" to identify technology trends and their impact.
Send us an e-mail and request a copy

BIRK Consulting GmbH
Registered at:
Schützen 35 - 6934 Sulzberg